Mint LAMP Development Environment

OPERATING SYSTEM: Linux Mint 13 Maya

For Drupal development, since I already have a Linux Mint system setup, I decide to focus on it rather than the Windows 8 Acquia Drupal setup I blogged about a few days ago.

Apache, MySQL & PHP

Install all of these applications with a single command. Thanks to Unix System Engineer, Nitin Sookun for posting this on the Linux Mint Community website.

Since you will need root permissions when performing write operations outisde of your home directory, the commands shown below presume that you are logged in as root or are in a root instance of the terminal. If you are not in a root terminal, you can prepend the commands with ‘sudo’, for example listing the contents of the current directory:

sudo ls

Sudo Sandwich

In a root terminal (such as ‘Konsole as root’).

apt-get install lamp-server

If you get this error message (as I did during a Mint Xfce LAMP install)

E: Unable to locate package lamp-server

Then you will need a carat at the end:

apt-get install lamp-server^

Then install phpMyAdmin

apt-get install phpmyadmin

Restart Apache and try loading http://localhost/phpmyadmin.

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

If phpMyAdmin doesn’t load, try adding an Include to your Apache config with a text editor (such as ‘Kate’). In your terminal, open a new bash shell tab, and launch the editor (gedit, kate, etc.)

kate /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

In the apache configuration file, near the bottom, look for the location of other Include statements and insert this phpmyadmin include as needed.

Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart


If you need to set or change the mySQL root password, use this command syntax when the password has not been set.

$ mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD

Use this command syntax to change the root password.

$ mysqladmin -u root -p'OLDPASSWORD' password 'NEWPASSWORD'


Download the latest stable Drupal core distro from Extract the downloaded file, for example, drupal-7.19.tar.gz to the host root, /var/www. Then with the mv command, rename the drupal-7.19 directory extracted into www to drupal7

tar -xf drupal-7.19.tar.gz -C /var/www
mv /var/www/drupal-7.19 /var/www/drupal7

Copy the default.settings.php to settings.php. Then apply write permissions to both the dafault directory and the settings.php file so Drupal can modify settings.php as needed during the install.

cd /var/www/drupal7/sites
cp default/default.settings.php default/settings.php
chmod a+w default
chmod a+w default/settings.php

Note, after Drupal is installed, reset settings.php file permissions to read only using a-w

Virtual Hosts

Setting up some Virtual Hosts in our Apache config. In terminal, open the apache cofig file for editing (gedit, kate, etc.)

kate /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Below the Files node, add this code block.

NameVirtualHost *:80

ServerName default
DocumentRoot /var/www/

ServerName drupal7
DocumentRoot /var/www/drupal7

ServerName drupal8
DocumentRoot /var/www/drupal8

Restart Apache to load our config changes

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Hosts file

Add the two named virtual hosts to the hosts file

kate /etc/hosts	drupal7	drupal8

Restart apache …

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Now you can access the new Drupal website at http://drupal7

Next - Mint LAMP Development Environment – Part Two


Part 1 of 2 in the Mint LAMP Development Environment series.

Mint LAMP Development Environment - Part Two

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