Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Design”
WordPress Twenty Seventeen Theme Sass
These Sass modules make customizing the style.css
a lot easier for the new business focused Twenty Seventeen default theme for WordPress 4.7 released a couple weeks ago.
WordPress Twenty Sixteen Theme Sass
I recently created individual Sass modules for each of the WordPress Twenty Sixteen style.css stylesheet numbered and annotated sections. Additionally, the fonts and colors have been converted into Sass variables. All of this makes customizing this theme easier.
Design Patterns
Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design.
Responsive Sidebar
This code sample shows how to create responsive sidebars that can be toggled open or closed in wider desktop layouts. In a mobile layout, they become columns below the article content.
Bourboneat Wordpress Theme
I have created a new Wordpress starter theme for building custom themes designed for Wordpress version 4.1 and later. The theme uses the Bourbon Sass library and it’s Neat semantic grid components for a lightweight and modular responsive design. The header and footer designs were taken from the Bourbon Refills collection. Also included are IcoMoon font icons which can be easily updated using the IcoMoon app. Gulp’s build system is used to compile and minify Sass and Javascript modules into optimized CSS and Javascript. Clone, fork or download this responsive starter theme at GitHub and modify it as you wish into the theme you want.
jQuery Navigation Menus
My favorite is the Superfish jQuery menu plugin by Joel Birch. Demo -