Joomla Hacks

My notes while learning about Joomla extension development.

Google Maps API Key Storage

Extension Type: Component

Add the field parameters to the component configuration and update the respective language files. For example,

<!-- insert after existing fields -->	
<field name="googleapik" type="text" size="40"

Update the edit.php file containing the form that needs to retrieve the api key from the database. For example,

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

// get google api key from component config
$googleapik = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_mycomponent')->get('googleapik');

Put the API key in a JavaScript object below the form and before the JavaScript application that will use it.

<script type="text/javascript">
// global app namespace
var com_mycomponent = com_mycomponent || {};
// define global app vars here
com_mycomponent.googleapik = '<?php echo $googleapik; ?>';

Extension Type: Plugin

Add a config node for the the field parameters to the plugin manifest file and update the respective language files. For example,

    <fields name="params">
        <fieldset name="basic">

Update the template override file containing the form that needs to retrieve the api key from the database. For example, add this php code before the form markup.

$plg_content_myplugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('content', 'myplugin');
$plg_content_myplugin_params = new JRegistry($plg_content_myplugin->params);

$googleapik = $plg_content_myplugin_params->get('googleapik');
Language Files


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