Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Joomla”

Language Files

When naming Joomla language files, it is important to remember that the extension group name is used. The language filename uses the extension group name after the extension prefix. For example,


Joomla Hacks Joomla Hello World Module

Customizing Media Manager

These examples show how to load copies of com_media views and templates instead of their core counterparts for customization without hacking any core Joomla files.

Joomla Hacks

My notes while learning about Joomla extension development.

Joomla Hello World Module

This post documents my experience while following the Creating a simple module Joomla 3.x tutorial. I am brand new to Joomla and wanted to share my experience for anyone else trying to develop, install and demo this module in their Joomla 3 environment.