Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “React”
Golf Scorecard React App GIR
React Golf Scorecard application updated to show Greens in Regulation (GIR). For this we needed figure out how to trigger an on change event when the input value for GIR is updated dynamically when strokes and putts are entered. It is recommended that you read Part 1 which contains the information on how to install and build this application locally.
You can view a demo of the app here

Golf Scorecard React App
This tutorial demonstrates how to create a React application that is used in a great many golf apps, a way to display and edit golf course scorecard data. You can view a demo of the app here

WordPress Post from Front End using REST API and React
This post is a proof of concept for using the WordPress REST API to demonstrate how to build CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) functionality within a React application running on a frontend WordPress page.