Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “NodeJs”

Hugo + Node.js Koa App Connected to MongoDB Part II

In part 2 of the series, we’re adding the site content to a search.json file when the Hugo static site is built and importing it into a MongoDB collection. Then in the Node.js Koa app, we create an API endpoint that returns search results from the collection in MongoDB.

Hugo + Node.js Koa App Connected to MongoDB

This project demonstrates how to create a development environment utilizing a Docker stack of Nginx to serve the static website, Nodejs for the api applications, MongoDB for the api data and Traefik for reverse proxy. This stack is suitable for deployment to staging and production environments.

Node.js Koa Container

An example of how to create a Docker container application using Koa.js Next generation web framework for Node.js.


A collection of useful Node.js resources.

Handlebars Templates with Browserify

This post documents how to use the hbsfy precompiler plugin for Browserify to compile Handlebars templates into javascript. With this design, templates can be required as javascript modules in the views that use them.

BrowserSync SSI Recipe

BrowserSync is my Node.js web browser app development server of choice. This gulpfile is a work in progress to address support for server side includes when using a BrowserSync static server.

Bootstrap Customization

This tutorial covers using Git to clone, branch and merge the latest Bootstrap source code, modifying and compiling your modifications to the source LESS variables using Grunt and viewing your compiled changes with a local Node.js web server.

Grunt JavaScript Task Runner

This tutorial describes how to setup and use the Grunt JavaScript task runner to automate repetitive tasks such as minification and compilation. Grunt is installed using npm, the Node.js package manager. You will also need Git to work with the tagged source code. This makes it easy to reset and compare your working copy of the code at each step. I discovered commit tags while using the AngularJS tutorial.