Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Maven”

Concept Code Component

An Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) example to demonstrate development of a component for adding concept code to a page using a textarea field. Can be used for testing, prototyping and troubleshooting.

Multifield Component

An Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) example to demonstrate development of a component using a composite multifield with a dynamic sling model that accepts a node name parameter.

Button Component

An Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) example to demonstrate development of extending the core button component to allow an image to be added from the AEM Digital Asset Manager (DAM) and an option to open a button link in a new tab.

Cascade Select Dropdown in AEM Component Dialog

This tutorial demonstrates how to populate CoralUI Select dropdowns in an AEM component dialog from a JSON data source using JavaScript. For added complexity, we’re cascading the dropdowns in multiple instances within a Multifield component.

AEM Maven Project Including React SPA Part II

AEM website project that contains both the general and react ui.frontend modules. To create and name the project for your specific needs, refer to part-1 for the steps used to merge these two Maven archetype-23 modules, page templates and configurations.

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Maven Project Archetype 24

Maven AEM Project Archetype 24 was released a few weeks ago for creating an AEM website project that utilize the latest Adobe Experience Manager standards and technologies. Requires AEM, or AEM as a Cloud Service, Java 8 or 11 and Maven 3.3.9+.

Message Component

AEM tutorial for development of a message component to allow an AEM author to add message banners to a page. Features include a field to set how many days before the message will reappear after it has been closed and a toggle switch to enable or disable the message.

Folding Panel Component

An Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) example to demonstrate development of a simple folding panel component to show or hide content by clicking the panel’s label element. AEM components can be added by an author to populate the folding panel content.

AEM Maven Project Including React SPA Part I

At the time of this writing, the AEM project archetype doesn’t allow you to create a single site project containing both the generic and react frontend modules. Typically, there will be a mix of SPA and non SPA content pages in a site project. This post documents how I was able to set this up for Adobe Experience Manager version 6.5. using aem-project-archetype-23.

Copyright Component

An Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) example to demonstrate development of a proof of concept copyright component that optionally renders the current year from code. Maven AEM Project Archetype 23 and AEM version 6.5 are used to show this component within the footer experience fragment.

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Maven Project Archetype 23

Maven AEM Project Archetype 23 was recently released. To use, setup your local development environment for AEM as a Cloud Service SDK or use one of the following AEM versions: 6.5.0+, or Additionally, Java 8 or 11 and Maven 3.3.9+ is also required. Here is an overview of a few of the changes.

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Maven Project Part II

An Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) example to demonstrate the Webpack frontend build process included with Maven AEM Project Archetype 22. Follow the steps in part 1 of this series beforehand making sure to include the -DoptionIncludeFrontendModule=general option when running mvn archetype:generate. e.g.,


Resources for Apache Maven. Common Commands Generate a project from a template mvn archetype:generate Delete the target directory mvn clean List unused declared and used undeclared dependencies. For example, inspect the list and update the pom.xml file as needed to reduce the size of the build. mvn dependency:analyze Find goals for a plugin using help, e.g., mvn dependency:help List project dependencies, e.g., mvn dependency:list Display a tree of the dependencies

Java Web App with Maven

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Maven Project

An Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) example to demonstrate creating and deploying a Maven Multi Module project using an aem-project-archetype. This tutorial was created for deployment using Java 11, Apache Maven 3.6.2, Maven AEM Project Archetype 22 and AEM version 6.5.

Java and Maven Install

Installing Latest Oracle Java and Maven. Optionally, you could use SDKMAN CLI and API for installing, switching, removing Java and/or Maven.